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One of the best things about a career in ultrasound is that every day is different. Every patient is an opportunity for a new challenge and a new learning experience. We are all continually learning new techniques and tricks and I'd like to share mine with you. You can also find more great information in my book, "Quick Reference Guide for Ob & Gyn Sonography" available on Amazon.com. The book's best sections are the chapter Key Points, which are a compilation of all the great tips, tricks, pitfalls and advice I've received from other techs over the years. If you have scanning advice or a particular case that you learned something new from, please fill out the contact form below and I'll post it. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fetal Practice Breathing

I received a question from a reader yesterday: "When I'm doing a biophysical profile, does seeing the fetus hiccup count as the breathing motions?"

The physicians at my office do not consider hiccups counting as breathing movements, however, I did some research and found that this opinion varies from doctor to doctor.  The Institute for Advanced Medical Education believes that hiccups do count (see this link for more info: https://iame.com/online/bio/bio.html)  so the answer to this question would be to find out what your facility counts as breathing and abide by their policies.  During my research, I also came across some other interesting information on PrenatalAnswers.com:

Believe it or not, your baby has been practicing its breathing since the end of the first trimester!  Of course the baby is not really breathing yet, it is surrounded by fluid and does not ‘breathe’ the fluid—it is only pushing the fluid in and out of its mouth and throat. The baby gets its oxygen from the mother who supplies fully oxygenated blood to the baby via the placenta and the umbilical cord.  Read the full article here: http://www.prenatalanswers.com/fetal-respirationspractice-breathing/

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